Complaints handling at Lloyd’s Europe

It is Lloyd’s Europe policy that all complaints should be handled quickly, fairly and in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements. 

Lloyd’s Europe believes that the vast majority of its policyholders will have a positive experience dealing with Lloyd’s Europe and their managing agents, coverholders and DCAs. However, when complaints do arise, complainants should expect to have their complaints dealt with promptly and in a fair way. 

Lloyd’s Europe requirements for handling of complaints are set out within the Operational Guidance – Complaints Handling, together with the template spreadsheets for the notification of complaints. Both are available on demand, please contact: 

Managing agents, coverholders and DCAs underwriting relevant business must ensure that their processes and procedures are compliant with the requirements of this Operational Guidance as well as the specific country requirements. 

Notifying the Complaints team

Complaints in all territories should be notified to the Complaints team via email as given below: 

Lloyd's Europe

For all communication regarding Lloyd’s Europe complaints except the notification sheet: 

For Lloyd’s Europe notification sheet: 

Lloyd's Spanish Office

For all communication regarding Spanish complaints Freedom of Establishment:

Complaints handling for the European Economic Area

Lloyd’s Europe has introduced complaints handling processes for all policyholders within the EEA as detailed for each of the territories in the section below.