Norway complaints handling

There are no specific definitions of a complaint or a complainant under the Norwegian regulation.

The existing EIOPA definitions should be applied.

Definition of a complaint (EIOPA definition)

A statement of dissatisfaction addressed to an insurance undertaking by a person relating to the insurance contract or service he/she has been provided with. Complaints handling should be differentiated from claims handling as well as from simple requests for execution of the contract, information or clarification.

Definition of a complainant (EIOPA definition)

A person who is presumed to be eligible to have a complaint considered by an insurance undertaking and has already lodged a complaint e.g. a policyholder, insured person, beneficiary and in some jurisdictions, injured third party.


A prompt acknowledgement of the complaint, in writing, within 5 (five) business days of the complaint being made.

A final response to be provided within 15 (fifteen) working days of receipt of the complaint.

If a final answer can not be provided within 15 (fifteen) working days of the complaint being received, the insurer must send a preliminary answer to the complainant with a clear indication of the reasons why the answer is not yet available, and with an indication of when the complainant will receive a final answer.

In extraordinary cases, beyond the insurers control, the deadline for sending such a preliminary response can be extended to up to 35 (thirty-five) working days from receipt.

External Dispute Resolution

Norwegian Financial Services Complaints Board (FinKN)

Postboks 53 Skøyen

0212 Oslo


Useful documents