A statement of disagreement in connection with the position adopted by an insurer or of dissatisfaction in connection with the provision of services rendered by an insurer as well as any allegation of potential breaches to be, submitted by customers. Complaints do not include statements forming part of the contract negotiation process, requests for compliance with legal or contractual duties, communications during claims handling as well as the requests for information or clarification.
Definition of a complainant (EIOPA definition)
A person who is presumed to be eligible to have a complaint considered by an insurance undertaking and has already lodged a complaint e.g. a policyholder, insured person, beneficiary and in some jurisdictions, injured third party.
A prompt acknowledgement of the complaint, in writing, within 5 (five) business days of the complaint being made. At that moment, you will be informed of the date when the investigation is expected to be finished.
A final response to be provided within 20 (twenty) business days (or 30 (thirty) business days for exceptional or complex cases) of receipt of the complaint.
External Dispute Resolution
Mr Gonçalo Vareiro
FIRM Fragoso, Vareiro Sociedade de Advogados SP, RL
Avenida Liberdade, 67-B, 2A
1250-140 - Lisbon
You may also bring a complaint before the Authority for the Supervision of Insurance and Pension Funds (ASF). The contact details are below:
Authority for the Supervision of Insurance and Pension Funds (ASF)
Av. da República, 76
1600-205 Lisbon