Sweden complaints handling

Definition of a complaint (local definition)

When a customer, or anyone directly affected by the insurance distribution expresses specific discontent, in an individual matter, that is attributable to the insurance distribution. In this context, neither general opinions nor general expressions of dissatisfaction, nor dissatisfaction that must be considered to have insignificant importance to the customer are regarded as complaints.

EIOPA definition is also used.

Definition of a complaint (EIOPA definition)

A statement of dissatisfaction addressed to an insurance undertaking by a person relating to the insurance contract or service he/she has been provided with. Complaints handling should be differentiated from claims handling as well as from simple requests for execution of the contract, information or clarification.

Definition of a complainant (EIOPA definition)

A person who is presumed to be eligible to have a complaint considered by an insurance undertaking and has already lodged a complaint e.g. a policyholder, insured person, beneficiary and in some jurisdictions, injured third party.


A prompt acknowledgement of the complaint, in writing, within 5 (five) business days of the complaint being made.

A final response to be provided within 14 (fourteen) calendar days of receipt of the complaint.

If a response cannot be provided within 14 (fourteen) calendar days of receipt of the complaint, the complainant will be provided with an update on the matter. The distributor must notify the complainant and indicate the reasons for the delay and the timescale within which a response will be provided.

External Dispute Resolution

National Board for Consumer Complaints (ARN)

Box 174

101 23 Stockholm


Useful documents